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Chronic fatigue, energy, and lactic acid.

Let's talk about energy, chronic illness, and lactic acid. Chronic fatigue, chronic illness, and achy soreness often go hand in hand. In 1931 Dr. Henry Harrower said, "The slowing of muscular chemistry causes an accumulation of muscular wastes of fatigue poisons, of which lactic acid is one that has been definitely identified."

The mitochondria in your cells take the fuel from the food you digest and absorb and turn it into energy or ATP. They change fuel into energy via the Krebs cycle.

Energy or ATP is essential for your body to function at optimal levels. Almost all of the energy that the body uses is created in the mitochondria via the Krebs cycle. So the health of your mitochondria is essential to have energy.

In normal function glucose is broken down into pyruvate and then to Acetyl CoA which then enters into the Krebs cycle to make energy. However, when Pyruvate is blocked or does not have the nutrients that it needs to be converted to Acetyl CoA, it then enters into the lactic acid pathway. This pathway is also known as the Cori cycle, named after Carl Ferdinand and Gerty Cori (1) it can also be called cachexia.

This pathway is what you experience when you exercise too hard and have sore muscles the next day.

Your mitochondria need O2, Hydrogen, and electrons (H2O) from the food you eat to do this. Pyruvate is impeded when deficiencies (vitamin or mineral), chemical toxicity, low oxygen, heavy metals, and deuterium-damaged nanomotors in your cells interfere with this pathway. Symptoms of lactic acidic include light headache, foggy or unclear thinking, and soreness with fatigue.

Statin drugs also contribute by blocking cells from making CoQ10, paralyzing the electron transport chain from making ATP. Symptom of this includes muscle and joint pain, memory loss, and loss of overall well-being.

Heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury can cause excess lactic acid production and free radical damage to cells. Symptoms include fatigue, fogginess, exhaustion, depression, inability to repair, and anxiety.

Mold causes free radicals that use up oxygen molecules. Without oxygen, pyruvate is diverted to the lactic acid pathway (2). Some symptoms of mold include sinus infections, runny or stuffy nose, static shock, fatigue, memory loss or brain fog, frequent urination, depression, horse voice, and blurry vision.

Deuterium is a stable isotope of hydrogen with an atomic weight of 2 (hydrogen + neutron). It naturally occurs at low levels in water. It causes permanent damage to the nanomotors or [ATP synthases (3)] in the mitochondria. It is normal for the cell to remove deuterium but when high levels of deuterium are present they can get through and cause damage to the mitochondria causing problems.

To learn more about deuterium check these resources out.

Toxic chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides to name a few are used more than ever. Many of the enzymes needed in the metabolic pathways, that make energy are inhibited by these chemicals.

Lactic acid solutions

  • Detox your environment and body. Address heavy metals, mold, and toxic chemicals. Taking binders to bind onto toxins in the body and get them out of the body is part of this.

  • Address nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. Magnesium, zinc, and B vitamins are essential to help prevent lactic acid and have normal function. Foods like grass fed liver, red meat, oysters, and pastured eggs are the most nutrient dense and bio-available foods making them the best source for these nutrients.

  • Support your liver as lactic acid puts a burden on it. The supplement TUDCA and liver supporting foods like beets, artichoke, bitter greens, and cruciferous vegetables.

  • Remove sugar, alcohol, tanins (coffee and tea), and processed foods as they cause lactic acid.

  • Increase vagal tone: Cold therapy (cold showers, ice bath, cryotherapy), sauna, grounding, singing, prayer/meditation, nasal/deep breathing, laughter, exercise, massage, gratitude, sun exposure/infrared red light therapy, essential oils (Parasympathetic by Vibrant Blue Oils), and fasting are some ways to do this. In Stanley Rosenberg’s book Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve he has some great quick and simple exercises for the vagus nerve.

  • HBOT or hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

  • Ozone therapy.

  • Energy production support supplements. I use CellCore Biosciences supplements for this, they are a practitioner only brand meaning they are available to clients through a practitioner.

  • Adding in high quality fulvic acids.

  • Deuterium depletion: Include foods that are lower in deuterium like grass-fed meats and fats, especially healthy fats. Eating whole fruits and vegetables in stead if juicing as the juice is higher in deuterium.

  • Supplements like chlorella and HydrOxygen from Cellcore to help with low oxygen levels.

  • If you live in a humid climate dehumidifying the air and having house plants that emit oxygen. And finally getting deep restful sleep.


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (2021). PubChem Pathway Summary for Pathway WP1946, Cori Cycle, Source: WikiPathways. Retrieved July 2, 2021 from https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pathway/WikiPathways:WP1946.

  2. Hope J. A review of the mechanism of injury and treatment approaches for illness resulting from exposure to water-damaged buildings, mold, and mycotoxins. Thescientificworldjournal. 2013 ;2013:767482. DOI: 10.1155/2013/767482.

  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/f-atpase