Welcome, lets start your journey toward wellness.

I'm Karen Ring, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner here to help you reclaim your life. Having have lived with chronic pain and fatigue for many years I know how hopeless it can feel. 

When I was at my sickest I can remember writing out a list of my symptoms that was two pages long. Just so that I could remember them when I went to my doctor because I had such bad brain fog.

Imagine waking up in the morning and having the energy to get through your day.

But, what if having the energy to get through your day could be a reality?

What if it took you days to recover from pushing yourself too hard physically instead of weeks or months?

When you work with me you could experience benefits such as

  • More energy throughout your day from balanced blood sugar levels.

  • Better digestion for a stronger immune system.

  • Minimize die-off reactions by supporting your body during Lyme treatment.

  • Reduced chemical sensitivities.

  • Partnering with someone who has “been through it all” and understands the challenges of Lyme and Chronic Fatigue.


I want this to be a reality for you.

I am excited to meet you and partner with you on your journey toward wellness and reclaiming your life.

Read more about my story with chronic Lyme disease here.

“If you were born with the weakness to fall, you were born with the strength to rise.”

— Rupi Kaur

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Have a blessed day,

Karen Ring